A Lifestyle Change

Welcome to my blog. This blog is to be my space to note and keep track of my progress as I embark on my Quest to reach my target weight - A Simple 110 lbs.
      A location change across continents, a change in weather, food, my routine, a slew of antibiotics and a thyroid problem have all contributed to a whopping 169 lbs in six months. I have seen myself grow from a very active person to a person who gets tired easily, resulting in me losing interest in any activity I take up. None of the clothes I bought six months ago fit me now. Shopping is a pain as I try clothes one after the other , look at myself in the mirror and sigh with disappointment. Going out is another episode of changing from one outfit to another, resulting in a very upset me and a consoling husband.The list is quite long. A loss of confidence and mounting frustration are part of the side-effects.
       A conversation with my dad and a week of self introspection ended in a realization that the first thing I needed to get back was control. Lot of things that happen to us in life are not in our control but a few things are. A healthy me is definitely something that i can work for. The idea of making a lifestyle change has been marinating in my head for quite some time now. Sat down today to workout a plan for myself and call it divine intervention or just a coincidence that i came across this post "Jihva Workout Vratham" on Mahanandi..a blog i follow. This has provided me with just the plan to start off that change. I would really like to thank Indira for this. The will power required to do this will be immense as my system will go through a major change but a hope that success will be a reward greater than just weight loss is what I plan to rely on.
      Wish me all the best.

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